Every cent of your donation is used to help save lives and achieve health equality. So, your donation makes a BIG difference!
To make a one-time secure donation simply click the handy donate button on this page! Have questions or need help? Call (619) 937-2041 or email wendy@mymsop.org.
Thank you for your interest in giving to Many Shades of Pink!
Our foundation receives no government funding. We rely on individual donors like you to make vital breast heath resources accessible to those most vulnerable. Specifically, Black women because they die at a higher rate than all other groups.
Your gift to MYMSOP.org supports outreach and delivery of free basic healthcare such as early detection screenings for uninsured and under-insured communities of color.

If you'd like to make monthly recurring donations to support our goal of providing non-medical (90-day) cost of living expenses to breast cancer survivors in treatment, please contact us by calling (619) 937-2041 or email wendy@mymsop.org.
Thank You Jaime Z Harris!
Thank You Jaime Z Harris!
There's a special place in our hearts for Jaime Harris, San Diego-based Realtor and Philanthropist. Her generous gift helped provide Free Mammograms to women in our community